Sprout is the size of a lemon this week!
Total weight gain? I think at least 2 pounds.
Belly size? 31.5 inches
Stretch marks? not a single one! keeping my skin moisturized 24/7!
Baby's sex? hopefully we'll know soon!
Size of baby? not sure exactly. Websites say she should be around 4 inches ctr. :p
Movement? can't feel her yet.
What is your baby doing? Baby is developing all kinds of reflexes and facial movements so she can now squint, grimace, pee and possibly suck her thumb! (aww, how cute!)
What is your body doing? my uterus has moved above my pelvic bone so the small beginnings of a baby bump are now visible!
Belly button in or out? in
Happy or moody most of the time? Still both. Worst part is knowing when I'm being a brat but still not being able to help it. :(
Symptoms? dry skin. especially my legs.
Maternity clothes? not necessary.
Sleep? still pretty good. I can sleep at least 7 hours before I have to pee. but rolling over wakes me up every time.
Food cravings? still on the ice cream kick. But now I want cake too. :[
Anything make you feel queasy or sick? nothing at all.
Miss anything? nope.
Looking forward to? my next appointment. I got rescheduled for the 28th since the doctor won't be in the office on the 24th. I was so sad that it got pushed back. I miss seeing her already!
Best moment this week? going to Babies R Us and starting our registry. Also, Ashton and I making our first baby purchase together. We got a sweet deal on a carrier that is normally $50, we got it for $11!
Good times at Babies R Us. LOL.
I definitely sat down with all of my weight on this very pricey zebra. It held up, maybe that's why it was $150?
Hahahahaha how cute. It's exciting baby shopping. Not that I have gone yet ;-)