Friday, January 10, 2014

'Tis the Christmas Season.

Okay, I know this post is so overdue and I almost skipped it completely out of frustration, but I got a few cute baby items and maternity shirts that I think deserve sharing. Plus, I just love Christmas, especially being with my family this year, and I know everything will be completely different next year with the new baby!

Work Christmas party.

This first set of pictures were taken at a Christmas party hosted by Ashton's work. I will admit it was a little awkward because I didn't know a single person, I felt so under dressed when I saw everyone else, and I felt like I just looked like I was getting fat and not actually pregnant. :( But Ashton didn't know a ton of people either, since he hasn't been with the company for that long yet.

For the dinner they had place cards for people with special diets, and I was so excited they had a special meal prepared just for us! (And it was delicious!) I ended up having a good time and felt bad that we had to leave early because Ashton had to work at his second job later that night. We got to take our champagne glasses home and I got a mini white rose in mine from my sweetie.♥

Baking fun.

I did a TON of baking this Christmas for everyone I know--literally. I made two gift boxes, one for my sister's fiance and one for my dad/step-mom/brothers. I also brought goodies in tupperware containers and left them on the counter at work for my coworkers to munch on throughout the day. I brought a bunch to my mom's house for our get together and the left overs to my Aunt's party on Christmas night.


Among the several treats I conjured up, were these scrumptious pistachio-cherry-chocolate cookies. I took a picture of the magazine article I used for inspiration and then my finished product. Not to brag, but I think mine turned out better looking than the magazine photo! Other treats included chocolate peanut butter oatmeal bars, pumpkin cheesecake bars, gingerbread brownies, & marshmallow-pretzel-peanut clusters. I altered all of the recipes to be vegan and I'm pretty sure no one could tell the difference, as they were a huge hit with everyone!

Family time.

Ashton and I spent Christmas eve at my dad's house with my dad's side of the family. My sisters and their boyfriends were able to come as well. I was so happy to see everyone, as I haven't really invested in much family time since moving to MA almost two years ago.

My step-mom decorated matching gift baskets for my sisters and I that were totally crafty and adorable!

I sat on Ashton's lap while opening everything
so he could also admire the cutesy baby items
that we received.

We got a three-pack of adorable hooded towels
and an oh-so-soft baby blanket to wrap our munchkin
in. Baby is going to love them!

I was also tremendously excited to have received my very first maternity shirts. Even though I don't need them yet, baby is sprouting like a weed and my belly will be getting so big in the coming weeks, I will definitely be wearing them soon. I honestly cannot wait. The shirts are both so cute and feel really comfy. They have scrunchy sides which I think are quite stylish.

Ashton and I went to my mom's later on and spent the night there. I hadn't spent the night before Christmas at my mom's in a while, so it was really nice. I loved waking up on Christmas morning to a warm and cozy house.

I had a really wonderful time at my mom's (as usual!). Both of my sisters came over as well as Devon, Aaron, and my mom's boyfriend Pete. It was so nice to have all of us together at once. We had a super yummy early dinner, played a trivia game that we were all terrible at, and then exchanged gifts!

Mom presented Ashton and I with our very first family ornament for the Christmas tree. It was so sweet, I only wished we were living together at that point and had a tree to hang it on. It will definitely be admired on our tree next year though!

Deasha and Devon picked out these cute onesies for their neice. How stylish will she be!

Mom and Pete spoiled their granddaughter with her first set of books! Mom says they are for Ashton to read to my belly since baby can hear us talking to her now. ♥

Look at this sweet little fleece hat! It is so adorable and I am imagining it to be super warm. I love this so much.

As a tradition, on Christmas night we all ventured to my Aunt's house for our huge family Christmas party. Ashton and I had to leave a bit earlier than we would have liked because we both had to work early the following morning and we still had a 2 1/2 hour car ride ahead of us. :(

Other baby-related gifts that we received this Christmas include this cute set of baby washcloths from Ashton's sister, and these comfy little booties from my roommate. So precious!

This year was one of my favorite Christmases. I enjoyed every minute of being able to see my family since I live in a different state from them all. I am definitely looking forward to next year when baby will be here and get to experience it as well. She is going to love her new family and I have a feeling she is going to be spoiled a bit!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and was able to spend time with family throughout the holidays. Warm wishes to you all. ♥

1 comment:

  1. Christmas time was wonderful, nothing like being with family, laughing, loving and eating. Lots of LOVE <3
