Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Genetic Ultrasound / Anatomy Scan Results!

boy or girl?

I truly am in love with the Ultrasound Diagnostics Center in Brookline. Once again, it was so much fun, brightened up my day, provided wonderful (and surprising!) news about our little one, and we got another ELEVEN ultrasound pictures to take home!!!

Baby got all measured up, including leg bones, arm bones, spinal cord, and head measurements. We got to see the heart, kidneys, stomach, brain... am I forgetting something?! The 3D part was amazing too, being able to see the detail on the face and even peeking in on the brain on accident! lol The cutest part was seeing the bottoms of little feet kicking around in there. And my gosh, we had a little squirmer today! That made the leg measurements a little more difficult, but everything checked out normal and the tech kept saying how beautiful our baby is. :) We didn't get to hear the heartbeat, but we got to see it in action. I remember when it used to be a little flickering spot on the screen, but today it was definitely a little heart pumping in there! She checked out the valves and ventricles and other things that I couldn't really tell what they were, but baby has quite a healthy heart! The doctor came in next to look over the pictures and she peeked around a little herself. I was so happy just to watch baby moving around in there, I didn't care how many people had to come in and look. She also checked out my cervix, ovaries, and everything else around the baby. She could even tell that it was most likely my right ovary that carried the fertilized egg?! They are sending all the info over to my OB office in time for my appointment with my midwife on Monday. Even though I'm sure that it will be a non-eventful 15 minute appointment, I'm still excited about that one too (did I mention I love seeing my midwife?!).

Oh, and don't think the tech forgot to ask if we wanted to know whether we are having a girl or boy! To my delight, baby was in perfect position for us to peek between those little legs and reveal what lots of people keep asking about and what Grandma has been waiting 6 weeks to find out. Well, I'm sorry to rain on everyone's parade (lol), but we're not revealing just yet!! Thanksgiving is too close to not tell my family in person. (Don't be mad Grandma, it's only 8 days away and I'm sure that is something to be thankful for!!!) Everyone else will find out right after the reveal to my family, I promise!

One more week with a secret all to myself. I'm such a sneaky pregger. =P

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