Tuesday, November 19, 2013

18 week update!

baby bump

Sprout is the size of a bell pepper this week!!

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain? 5 pounds
Belly size? 33 3/4 inches!
Stretch marks? None :)
Baby's sex? We find out tomorrow!!!
Size of baby? 6 inches head to bum!
Movement? Sprout is tumbling around EVERYWHERE. Lots of movement late at night.
What is your baby doing? Baby is developing a protective layer called myelin, that forms around her nerves and continues to form up until baby's first birthday!
What is your body doing? Lots of blood is pumping to baby, making me feel light headed at times. She's stealing my blood pressure!!
Belly button in or out? Still in.
Happy or moody most of the time? So, so happy! Maybe in anticipation of our anatomy scan and midwife appointment! :)
Symptoms? Becoming light-headed easily.
Maternity clothes? Not necessary.
Sleep? Only interrupted because of my cold. Not so bad the past couple of nights though. My cold is pretty much gone!
Food cravings? english muffin pizzas
Anything make you feel queasy or sick? Not at all.
Miss anything? not being worried to lay on my back for too long lol
Looking forward to? Peeking between Sprout's legs tomorrow!
Best moment this week? Feeling baby move all over the place. No major kicks yet, but she is ridiculously active!

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