Thursday, March 10, 2016

Life is Unpredictable

I was planning on writing up Ayrton's birth story in a similar style to how I wrote Liana's birth story, but as my son is now two weeks old, I am feeling quite different this time around and believe that should be reflected on my blog. I have decided to write about Ayrton's birth in a three part series to cover a bit of the events before his birth, the actual labor and birth story, and life postpartum with two children. Without further ado, let's jump right in!

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My Diary of Ayrton's Birth

I wasn't expecting to feel nervous or apprehensive about giving birth to my second child; afterall, I'd done it before--and with flying colors.

Against all odds, my first birthing experience went perfectly according to plan: I labored for as long as possible in the comfort of my own home, I labored in a tub at the hospital for 2 1/2 hours until I was ready to push, I pushed for only 15 minutes before I met my beautiful daughter without any pain medication or need for stitches afterward, and my daughter and I spent the first two hours of her life cuddling and breastfeeding. It was absolutely perfect and I rode the high for several weeks afterward.

But I still grew more and more nervous as the due date of my second baby drew nearer. Although I had been through the experience before, the risks and potential complications were still real. I kept thinking I got lucky the first time and I was unsure of what to expect. I felt like it was my first time all over again.

Ashton and I had both made guesses on our little one's birthday fairly early on in my pregnancy. I was pretty adamant that she'd be born between the 24th-28th, because those are the dates of the waning gibbous moon phase--the same moon phase that Ashton, Liana, and I were all born under. As you may have noticed I just said "she." That was another aspect I was fairly certain of. I had been hoping for a boy for nearly half of my pregnancy and then at some point something clicked and I believed I was having a girl. From that moment on, I probably spent close to four months looking forward to Liana growing up with a little sister. I was often reminiscent of times I spent with my mom and sisters and was quite looking forward to remaking those memories with my daughters.

I was mentally and emotionally prepared for another little girl, and for a few hours on Friday when I was feeling quite uncomfortable with an upset stomach, I thought we might meet her that day and she'd share a birthday with my sister (February 19th). I let Ashton entertain company and I went to bed early feeling slightly better and looking forward to meeting our second daughter in the next week.

However, life is completely unpredictable, as are pregnancies and babies. I had been through a pregnancy and birth already and had been raising a child for nearly two years, but in retrospect, I actually had no idea what was in store for me.

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If you'd like to continue following our journey and find out what happened next as I went into labor, stay tuned for the rest of the posts in this series: 'Meeting Ayrton' and 'Two Under Two.'


  1. Looking forward to reading more! I wondering if he did come on the waning moon now. That would be amazing if he did, but we all know these things can't be planned!

    I'm born on the summer solstice and my son is born on the winter solstice, I love how that turned out for me :)

  2. I was convinced when I was pregnant with Emma that I was having a boy! Life holds a lot of surprises, indeed! Looking forward to reading more.xx

  3. Oh yes, there is only one thing you can be certain of when it comes to having children, that you can be certain of nothing :)

  4. If I learnt anything from my pregnancy it's that nothing goes as expected! Look forward to hearing more!

  5. I really thought that my first Reuben was a girl - obviously not! It was a huge shock when number 3 (Edie) arrived as a girl! H x

  6. I always say that to people when their pregnant, don't plan too much and be prepared to the unexpected! Look forward to hearing the next stage!

  7. Life is unexpected! Very true. Look forward to read the rest
