Saturday, January 2, 2016

Snapshot Saturday - Week #1

Today Liana, Abel, and I ventured out to the mall to see if the open bounce play area was open (and were super relieved that it was!). We ran around climbing, bouncing, sliding, and falling for two hours and were completely wiped out after. I say "we" because there were a few things that Liana desperately wanted to follow her brother on but was too small to climb or make it through on her own so I went in after her to help. She was so happy bouncing around and LOVED the slides. Liana made a friend, a girl probably about six or seven years old, who eventually took over helping her around so I didn't have to flop my nearly 32 week pregnant belly down all the slides to make sure she was okay. Abel also made his own friends, a group of three other boys his age, and completely ditched us! On the way home we stopped at Target for diapers and when Abel saw the #targetdog he begged for a photo. Liana clearly was not nearly as excited, however she was very tired from the two hour bounce session and it was slightly past her usual nap time. I quite enjoyed the bouncing myself and probably would have done quite a bit more had it not been for my belly. I am definitely such a kid at heart!

Come back next week for another Snapshot Saturday!

Super Busy Mum


  1. How cute is this photo! I'd love to know what has your little lady so distracted though? haha! Thanks so much for linking up with Snapshot Saturday x

  2. That is an extremely cute photo :) #snapshotsaturday
