Monday, November 16, 2015

25 week pregnancy update

This was supposed to be a five month update, but I am a bit late as I will be six months along by next week. I've really been struggling with keeping up with my blog because of everything else that is going on (training for my new job, studying like mad for my designation, taking care of a toddler, and the list goes on). I am trying my best though, as I know I will want to read these posts later on. I've recently been revisiting posts I wrote while pregnant with Liana and have gotten quite emotional over a few of them! I feel very close to those posts because they represent who I was and everything I was feeling while carrying my first child, which is something I can only experience once. I feel compelled to keep up with updates this time around and feel similarly emotional about them since this will most likely be the last time I carry a child.

On a lighter note, this baby is wriggling around all day long, which apparently isn't surprising, as Liana's updates note that she was also regularly beating me up by 25 weeks. Speaking of Liana's updates... her 25 week update includes a photo of my breakfast for that day and when I saw it, my mouth started watering! Now I want waffles with cream cheese and berries... Mmm. I've also been craving anything chocolate lately and I have been really upset that most hot cocoa mixes have milk in them. -- I actually just had to pause after writing that sentence to google how to make hot cocoa with pure cocoa rather than a mix because I remembered we have cocoa in the cupboard. I know what I will be curling up with later!

Liana's 25 week update also included plans for Liana's nursery, which kind of makes me sad that we won't have a nursery set up for little sprout #2. We currently have three bedrooms in our home, one is mine and Ashton's, one is Liana's and the third is a spare room and a place for Abel when he stays over every other weekend. I have definitely thought about turning the spare room into the baby's room and having Abel sleep in Liana's room when he is over since they both sleep completely through the night. However, we have a lot of odd furniture in the spare room including a futon, two desks, two book shelves, a wide bureau, an end table, and an entertainment system with a large TV on it, as well as all of Abel's toys and bits. I get so overwhelmed every time I think about it, but I know I will be even more stressed out if I wait until the baby arrives. I'll have to browse pinterest later for some space saving ideas!

Besides the nursery situation, I have been feeling really well. I do tend to get exhausted a bit easier than during my last pregnancy, and am guessing that it is due to the fact that I have a desk job now. During my last pregnancy I was on my feet at work and was used to walking around for eight hours a day, five to six days per week, so I got plenty of exercise. This time around, my exercise consists of walking up and down two flights of stairs at work three times per day and chasing Liana around on the weekends. I'm actually disappointed in how little exercise I am getting, and know that I need to start being more active before I get too big and uncomfortable.

My overall current feeling is that I simply can not wait until the baby is born. Not because I am not enjoying being pregnant, but because I am excited to have a newborn again, and to see my two littles grow together in a new chapter of our lives. ♡


  1. Awww, lovely post :)

    I love the photo of your daughter looking up at you and your bump :) That's lovely :)

    Gemma xx

    1. Thank you! It's so hard to get a picture of us together, as she never sits still anymore, but I work with what I've got, haha!

  2. Chocolate is a great craving to have! Haha, I didn't crave anything during my pregnancy, I could only eat McDonalds the first month or so then slowly I could introduce other things! Glad you're feeling good though, it makes everything so much easier! x

    1. It definitely does! I can't imagine being sick as often as I see other women get sick. It's all part of the journey, but I'm so glad to be able to eat normally haha

  3. My second baby didn't have a nursery/ her own room until she was about 3 months old I think. I just never had the time and with a toddler always running around and blogging on top I was too exhausted to even think about it.

    1. I have a feeling that will happen with this one! I am slowly thinking about it, but there is too much going on right now to actually do anything about it.

  4. Lovely update Danielle :). I wish I craved chocolate when I was pregnant with Sophie, instead I was really sick most days! I'm glad you're well :) xx

    1. Aww I'm so sorry to hear that. Also, Sophie is an adorable name, that was on my list when I was pregnant with my daughter!

  5. Oh I loved being pregnant. I craved orange juice and cheese with Pickle! Kaz x

    1. Haha that's great! I remember orange juice gave me heart burn with my first pregnancy, but I am completely fine with it this time around. Pregnancy is so weird!

  6. Aww love the photos of your bump with your daughter. It's nice to do these updates to look back on :) x

    1. I am trying to stay on top of them at least once a month to look back on. I love reading the ones from my first pregnancy and it's been interesting to compare the two.

  7. aww what a sweet post and a lovely way to record all the emotions with your new baby on the way. x

  8. That photo is so precious, i love it! It's a sad day when it's your second, third so on when your not doing up a nursery. We were the same her #sniff lovely update xxx

    1. I was completely on top of nursery decorating with my first, but am so lacking the motivation this time around. It's interesting how things change when it's not the first baby..

  9. This is such a lovely post. I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant and I haven't wrote on update yet! To be fair my pregnancies are pretty uneventful so I may not do many. But I think I'll crack on with a first trimester update! Looking forward to reading more from you :)

    1. Thank you! With my first I did weekly updates but I'm kind of feeling like it is overkill this time. I'll probably do monthly updates from here on out unless something put of the ordinary happens!

  10. Such a lovely post, I'm gutted I wasn't blogging when I had my three. Think it's a gorgeous say to record your journey. X

    1. I have had a lot of people say that, but it is never too late to start recording memories. You can even do "throwback" or "flashback" posts and recall memories from the past that you have recently reflected on. xx

  11. What a cute bump!!! It's so lovely that you've been able to look back on how you were at the same stages whilst pregnant with your daughter. I really wish I'd started blogging whilst pregnant with my little boy as it would have been amazing to look back at it all.

    How exciting :D

    Laura x

    1. I'm so glad I did because there are some things that I think I remember but when I read my blog post I find that the reality was actually a bit different than how I remembered it several years later!

  12. Such a sweet post. I must say, pregnancy updates like these do nothing to help my baby fever!!

    Thank you for sharing with us at #mommymeetupmondays!

    1. Haha, I know how you feel! I felt the same way when I wasn't pregnant and reading updates of other mommies-to-be. I actually got quite jealous! x

  13. I love the belly picture with Liana on the ground. Our infant is in our room with us, it's been an adjustment. Whatever you do, you'll make it work. Looking forward to more updates, this post made me miss being pregnant for a second, hehe. Thanks for sharing at #mommymeetupmondays!

    1. Thank you! I'm thinking we will have the baby in our room with us for the first few months before figuring out a permanent situation. With Liana, her and I co-slept in the living room for almost 2 months while I was on maternity leave and then she went in her bassinet in her room. I was so sad to sleep without her after those few months!

  14. Completely in love with the pic of Liana looking up and your bump in focus, I need to try that! I feel exactly the same re fitness this pregnancy, like you on was on my feet hour after hour in my job last time and now I work from home and the stairs can even make me breathless. Hard to believe I ran a 10k the week or so before I fell pregnant! I hope you sort the bedroom situation out without too much stress. That's been my job today and I ache to Hugh heaven but am so happy it's done!xx

  15. Lovely update, I absolutely love the photo of your bump with Liana in the background, so cute and such a lovely photo idea!
    You are doing well to be doing so much while pregnant, go you! I can completely understand why you are late with this post.


  16. What an exciting time for you all. My two get on so well and are so close that the hellish second pregnancy whilst looking after a toddler all seems worthwhile now it's a distant memory!x

  17. What a gorgeous pic of bump and Liana! My second pregnancy I was much more exhausted early on, even though my Toddler napped, went to nursery, slept well it was still more exhausting having him around!!
