Friday, September 5, 2014

FoodieFriday: Berry Sprouted Cereal | Elimination Diet

I recently finished up a series of healthy eating workshops at Whole Foods (South Weymouth) with our Healthy Eating Specialist, Sarah Howes. I'm not going to reiterate everything that I learned, but I will show you how I am applying it. One of our sessions focused on elimination diets--simply put,  removing a certain food from our diet to see how our body responds. We also briefly covered ways that sugar and flour are heavily integrated into our everyday diet and how our body uses and stores these foods. Combining these two elements, I have decided to do a no sugar elimination diet for 23 days.

I can tell already that this is going to be quite the task for me, as I have accidentally slipped up already. I meant to start on September 1st, but in the midst of having guests over I quickly scarfed down my Thai basil and edamame veggie burger without a thought. Where was the sugar? In the roll! Ugh, why didn't I think of that? With attempt #2 on the following day, I specifically picked out the yummiest sugar free lunch but what ruins my meal? A ketchup packet! :( By September 3rd, I realized that sugar is pretty tricky and I must be more careful.

So far I have made it three whole days sugar free! It doesn't sound like much, but I honestly never realized how much sugar I consume. This challenge is already so eye opening for me and I can't wait to see what else I learn.

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Berry Sprouted Cereal

1 1/2 cup Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Almond Cereal
1/2 cup frozen raspberries, thawed
1/4 cup dried cranberries
3/4 cup Almond Breeze almond milk

1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, toss lightly, an enjoy!


Okay, I made this one up really quickly, but I wanted to think of a nutritious sugar free way to start off my day. I needed something that would give me energy to entertain Liana, while cooking, cleaning, and running errands. This was the perfect breakfast, and so delicious!

The Ezekiel cereal is a combination of organic sprouted wheat, organic malted barley, organic almonds, organic sprouted barley, organic sprouted millet, organic sprouted lentils, organic sprouted soybeans, and organic sprouted spelt. Sprouted grains are easier for the body to break down and absorb the most nutrients, compared to regular grains.

Let me know if you've tried this cereal before, or if you've done your own elimination diet!

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