Saturday, September 27, 2014

2014 Holiday Gift Guide Sign Up Info for Bloggers

Today I would like to share with my fellow bloggers a unique opportunity for your blog this holiday season. I have got myself all signed up and invite you to join me in participating in the 2014 Holiday Gift Guide!

Bloggers 2014 Holiday Gift Guide Sign Up

Bloggers sign up Today to get listed on the "2014 Holiday Gift Guide" that will roll out full force Oct 25 thru Dec 25, 2014. Many bloggers will be participating so it's going to be huge !
Right now Sign up is Free and Limited !
** Why Should you Sign Your Blog Up?**
Most of the Businesses that have listings on here are ones who hire bloggers for Reviews and PR Jobs throughout the year, so it's a great way to get noticed as a PR Blogger and get on the Reps Blogger Lists for when they have reviews and sponsor post jobs, etc.
** Does My Blog have to be a Big Blog **
NO - this is the great part, any size blog , any niche is welcome. The only restriction we have is, your blog can not have pornograph
ic material on it. If it does - Do not sign up - we are Family Friendly ! ** Where will my Link to my Blog Be Seen **
We will have a page specific listing " PR Friendly Bloggers " on the 2014 Holiday Gift Guide Web Site - Visible to all on the landing page and other guide pages. Your Link will be linked to your blog or media kit page (your choice). This Gift guide will be promoted by many bloggers, as well as the businesses on their sites and social media too during the 2 months. Also we may even feature YOUR Blog in our Special Mailings from time to time.

** Perks **
  • PR Marketers for Businesses See Your Page - These are the people who Hire Bloggers to promote Products for reviews, sponsor posts, ambassador programs, etc- all year long !
  • There will be special giveaway promotions during this time , Fun Secret Santa for Bloggers Only. ++
** HOW DO I SIGN MY BLOG UP** Click HERE to Sign UP Today !