Monday, May 19, 2014

Little Roo's Nursery

When thinking up a theme for her nursery, I really wanted to create a fun and unique space for my little one to call her own. I chose a theme that I haven't seen before for a nursery and also requested lots of handmade items from family members to make it extra special.

Liana's nursery theme is Studio Ghibli, with a minty green and pink underlying color scheme. If you haven't read my previous posts on this, Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio that has produced many of the anime films that I have come to fall in love with over the past several years. While there are very serious and intriguing morals and messages in each of the films, I felt that the animation style and and some of the surface story lines could be suited for a child's room. So I got to have a blast playing around with the creation of something I love while also giving Liana a completely unique room to brag about in the future!! (Or maybe I'll be the one doing all the bragging, ha!)

My mom has been a HUGE supporter in making Liana's nursery truly come to life. She doesn't have a ton of knowledge on the Studio Ghibli films, but she went out of her way to find and create her own patterns for several different characters and handmade them with such determination! They are so beautifully done and I love them so much (I'm sure Liana will too!) Liana is very lucky to have such a caring and involved Grammy!

I also *mildly hinted* that I would love for anyone who wanted to, to hand make something that would be placed in Liana's nursery. Lot's of people delivered on that request! Liana now has tons of handmade blankets that I couldn't be more grateful for. I've found different places for many of them, so they can be shown off instead of thrown in a drawer somewhere. She has a pink one and a minty green one draped over the end and side of her crib, a beautiful multi-colored one draped over the back of my glider in the nursery, a purple one draped over the back of my glider in the living room, a tiny multi-colored one draped over the ottoman in the nursery, and an owl quilt spread underneath some of the Ghibli characters. I also hung a handmade tote bag on the nursery doorknob and placed her handmade hats and shoes between the Ghibli characters on her shelf.

The handmade pieces that I contributed include the paper wall decorations (the two totoros and the soot sprites in the corners of the room), the Ghibli painted block set (I finished three blocks and started a fourth), and Liana's name decoration above her crib. Her name decoration is especially unique and holds sentimental value because it is crafted from the tissue paper and ribbons from her baby shower gifts. I wanted to make this sooner and was kicking myself in the butt because it was done so last minute, but now I'm really glad I decided to wait because it has an added personalized touch by reusing materials from her gifts!

I am so happy with how well everything turned out and I love being in Liana's room. I also love that it is by far the brightest room in the apartment so it's the prime location for really great pictures of her. I think I'll have to do a little photo shoot to post with her one month update!


  1. I LOVE IT! WOW! looks great hunny. Oh,, grammy is not done making things yet. ;-). I am sure Liana Ruby will love it as well. Looks so fresh and neat. <3 lots love love love

  2. I really love what you've done with the nursery! I always say that handmade gifts are worth way more than expensive ones. You'll have so much to keep and treasure forever x

    1. Thank you! I definitely think it came out well, especially since I thought it was a small room to begin with. But everything fit and I'm so happy with the outcome!

  3. Loving every bits & pieces in this room! It is so amazing & I love Studio Ghibli too! #mmwbh

    1. Aww thank you! I really have my mom to thank for crocheting so many little characters. I'm still amazed at how well everything came out and I think Liana will love it soon enough! :)

  4. What a beautiful nursery and I loved seeing all of the little crocheted bits and pieces around everywhere. Thanks so much for linking up! #MMWBH xx
