Tuesday, December 31, 2013

24 week update.

Sprout is the length of an ear of corn this week!

How far along? 24 weeks.
Total weight gain? I think like 12-13 pounds.
Belly size? 35 1/2 inches. I broke my measuring tool today too.... Okay so it was just one of those 39 inch paper tape measures from IKEA lol I was about to outgrow it anyway.... haha.
Stretch marks? None.
Baby's sex? A sweet baby girl.
Size of baby? Almost a foot long!
Movement? She's basically like a pterodactyl flapping around before meal time.
What is your baby doing? Baby's lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree", as well as cell that will help them inflate after birth.
What is your body doing? My uterus is the size of a soccer ball. Imagine that! =O
Belly button in or out? Pretty darn flat.
Happy or moody most of the time? Some days I feel like I am in no mood at all. Just letting the day pass me by. I'm thinking it's due to working so much that it's making my brain numb! lol This week might be my last of working 6 days!
Symptoms? Terrible nightmares this week.... I hate when they are baby related. I definitely woke up sweating several nights and also woke up and cried one morning. Ashton curled up behind me and spooned me until I calmed down. He is too good to me. ♥
Maternity clothes? I got two maternity shirts from my step mom for Christmas! They are really cute with scrunchy sides. As soon as my belly is too big to fit into my current clothes I'll definitely be wearing these!
Sleep? Nightmares :(
Food cravings? Smores. And strawberries.
Anything make you feel queasy or sick? Nope!
Miss anything? I can't think of anything in particular right now.
Looking forward to? Our next OB appointment on Jan 14th. I'm getting another blood screening done and a glucose test. Of course I can't wait to hear baby's heart again. :)
Best moment this week? Christmas with my family. It was one of the funnest I've had in a long time. Mom made a super yummy dinner, a trivia game that we all failed miserably at, and a fun way of stuffing our own stockings. She's the best. :) Also, going to the movies with Ashton as our Christmas treat. ♥

Our last day of 2013.

We had a berry crunchy (and delicious!) breakfast this morning. Multigrain waffles, chia seeds, flax seeds, vanilla almond granola, dried cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and maple syrup. Mmmm.

And celebrating my little girl one last time in 2013, I made a princess smore as a snack before work!

I worked a mid-shift that went by at a decent pace. Ashton came to visit on my lunch break and we enjoyed wraps and Nantucket juices together. After work, we went to my apartment to pick up some clothes for the next few days and now we are back at his place watching Top Gear. Or should I say, I am watching it and he is nodding off to sleep, lol. He's basically a grandpa when it comes to bed time. We do have champagne glasses with apple cider awaiting midnight's arrival, but I'm not sure we will make it!!

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