Tuesday, December 10, 2013

21 week update!

Sprout is the length of a large carrot this week!!

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain? 9 1/2 lbs
Belly size? 34 3/4 inches
Stretch marks? None
Baby's sex? Girl
Size of baby? Approximately 10 1/2 inches from head to toe!
Movement? All the time!
What is your baby doing? Her eyebrows are growing in and her eyelids are present. :) Her little girl parts are also beginning to develop this week and will continue until birth!
What is your body doing? I could get vericose veins! (Purple veins in my legs from the weight of being on my feet too long during the day). Oh, please no!!!
Belly button in or out? Still in.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Symptoms? Getting lightheaded.
Maternity clothes? None.
Sleep? I am waking up to roll over again.
Food cravings? Scallion pancakes.
Anything make you feel queasy or sick? No.
Miss anything? People letting me make my own decisions without trying to push their opinions on me.
Looking forward to? Seeing my family for Christmas! I miss them already!
Best moment this week? Actually, going in for my Physical Exam today. My doctor talked to me like I am a real person with my own opinions. She asked more questions than she gave advice. But she did give me advice on how to deal with others that just want to push their opinions on me and not listen. She was so great, it's too bad I have to wait a year to see her again!

1 comment:

  1. HMMMMM varicose veins...oh yeah I have a very good size one on my left leg below my knee from you Danielle. I have gotten used to it and now I look at it as a souvenir from you. I would do it all over again even if it meant I would get more varicose veins just to have a such a wonderful loving beautiful intelligent daughter like YOU. The joys of being a MOMMY. You look wonderful Hunny.
