Sunday, October 20, 2013

My little pea pod!

pea pod pumpkin carving

My family met at my mom's house today to have dinner and a pumpkin carving contest! Deasha carved a pea pod for baby! :) So cute! And appropriate since baby is the length of a pea pod week 13.

And here's the result of the rest of our pumpkins.....
pumpkin carving

And these are mine and Ashton's pumpkins. (Mine on the left). Ashton's won 1st place in the contest!

We had so much fun! I'm so glad we were all able to get together. We even made our own dishes to bring with us and I was s happy that people made vegan food for Ashton and I to eat! :) Yum yum yum!! I have the best family ever!!!
halloween masquerade
My sisters and I (did I mention it was a masquerade pumpkin carving contest? lol)


  1. It was a wonderful fun time. Pete and I loved having you all here. Looking forward to more times together. You young ladies are beautiful..I am such a proud momma. Love you

  2. This WAS so much fun! I love the pictures on this blog. (I'm late commenting on it because I don't see these often) This picture should be printed out and hung up on the wall since it's never us 3 together anymore. <3
