Friday, September 27, 2013

Test #2. Positive.

home pregnancy test

Even though a doctor has already told me that I am pregnant, I wanted to take a second test. I decided to wait a week later, thinking that the first one might have been a false positive, but this test is positive as well. (That really is a plus sign, even though the horizontal line looks a lot lighter in this picture.) I honestly think I bought the test because I started getting paranoid that I wasn't actually pregnant now that I want to be. Oh, the mood swings I am having! Ha! So now I have exactly one more week until my first prenatal appointment and I just can't wait!

I took this cheap CVS pregnancy test as confirmation and made my first pregnancy-related purchase today: Earth Mama Body Butter. It's a vegan body lotion to help with dry, itching, and stretching skin from pregnancy and will hopefully reduce stretch marks. I bought 2 bottles, so I hope it works and smells good! I'm sure it will though, as I've read so many good reviews on it.

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